the T.V have been too indifferent as to the image trasmitted by sex and its consequences. Approximately 85% of all sex shows on T.V are among couples who are unmarried or hace no commitment.

Observing the resilts of this survey to 50 people, the result tell us that 100% of people surveyed 30% knew the majority of responses and the reaming 70% did not know about solar energy
this helps me because the emphasis that has the school has to do with what i want to study.
the school is a mixed isntitution, official and academic mode, wich serves its community integral formation and promotes the devlopment of the competition necesary for personal development
In the year 2015, the school will be an institution with a quality educational management, trainer of humans with critical awareness, social responsability that contributes to the development of the proposed student life, to enter the field of producitivy and competitiveness.