Your name is Juan Esteban Aristizabal Vasquez , (national in Colombia - medellin 1972 )
Colombian singer. at the age the 15 years begins to form a rock band where he began his musical
carrer , born in a family the artis, your father and brothers the teach to play guitar , in your adolescence form the group Ekimosis, eight years and five albums being juanes the guitarist and singer of the band gave to juanes experience from start single your carrer as singer when the band Ekimosis separetes in 1995. in 1998 sample your album FIJATE BIEN, this album is very reconizeg, grai this is reconozeg with tree awards gramy latinos over four years, recorded three albums and become the most prestigious latin artist internationally. he this married and have three childrends. juanes sings, composes, produces and is the guitarist and arranger of all songs.
Admirable artist, greetings cards.