littke is know of your education, first student in Cali, then Popayan , and finally in Bogota, between 1848 and 1852.
in your poetry, he name the Valle del Cauca with the place in where passes its childhood.
fight in the campaigns of cauca. in 1856 is marryed with Felisa Gonzales Umaña, i had 14 years.
he went theough Europe, Asia and africa.
yours firts poems were in 1859 - 1860.
in 1864 start writing the MARIA in this tiemp contracted the disease the Peludismo, he die for this age of 58 years.
the MARIA is public in 1867, was translated of various languages .
was politic , periodist and consul after of public your work.
the finally ages of your life step removed the ibague. die in ibague the 17 of april of 1895, your body the was buried in medellin.
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