In The colleg teach us different ways to the creation of our companies, this is the area of entrepreneurship and see class that help us move forward with the creation of our companies
we have different subjects:
we have different subjects:
a series ofsteps and pricedures for the estabilishment of our company . we thank professor our company name, we know what kind of society we are, we have a logo and slogan.
we have a folder where all our workshops that help us to continue our business.
we have a folder where all our workshops that help us to continue our business.

Accounting: this area helps a lot because it gives what is necessar
y to keep accounting records, book of members and other
requirements that we ask for the creation of a company

Computing and technology: this matter give us an important foundation that helps the teacher to the creation of the website of the company and the creation of the blogger, also for our advertising.
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